タイトル:上海本帮面馆排队到马路,味美量大浇头多,阿星吃大排辣肉葱油面Street food local noodle in Shanghai
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2021-05-09 11:46:26
Eating noodle in Shanghai will dazzle you. Spicy meat, large ribs, fatty intestines, etc., a variety of delicious toppings can make a bowl of delicious noodle. Although the noodle is all made by machine, it is smooth and tough. White noodle, scallion noodle, and sesame sauce noodle can be used as a base. In the seasoning sauce, the noodle is as sweet as the dishes. Axing tasted the noodle with spicy pork and scallion oil, a popular noodle restaurant in Shanghai. It is delicious and affordable. It is the favorite of the drivers and the diners lined up on the road.
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