四川古镇美食三绝,牛佛烘肘用盆装,蘸汁豆花饭,肥肠蒸笼巴适Three delicacies in Niufo Ancient Town / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

四川古镇美食三绝,牛佛烘肘用盆装,蘸汁豆花饭,肥肠蒸笼巴适Three delicacies in Niufo Ancient Town / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:四川古镇美食三绝,牛佛烘肘用盆装,蘸汁豆花饭,肥肠蒸笼巴适Three delicacies in Niufo Ancient Town

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-08-02 10:42:56


Sichuan is definitely a food paradise. The people here not only live a leisurely life, but also enjoy eating. In Niufo Ancient Town in Zigong, Axing tastes three great foods in the town. The famous Niufo roasted elbows, soft and fragrant in pots. Tofu and spicy dipping sauce, you can eat several bowls of rice. The most suitable one is the steamer, the fatty sausage and beef must be covered with a lot of chili.



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