河南开封羊双肠,霸道滋补美食,羊包羊肠羊外腰,阿星吃海枣糕Featured snack Yangshuangchang in Kaifeng / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

河南开封羊双肠,霸道滋补美食,羊包羊肠羊外腰,阿星吃海枣糕Featured snack Yangshuangchang in Kaifeng / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:河南开封羊双肠,霸道滋补美食,羊包羊肠羊外腰,阿星吃海枣糕Featured snack Yangshuangchang in Kaifeng

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-11-10 13:15:01


Coming to Henan to eat delicacies is a trip to drink soup. Drink a variety of soups in Kaifeng, and there is another one not to be missed, which is the domineering nourishing gourmet Yangshuangchang. The rich white soup boiled in an iron pot, the Yangbao, the intestines and the Yangwaiyao can be put into the soup, which is a good food supplement for the autumn and winter diet. Axing drank the heavy-flavored Yangshuangchang and also ate the century-old snack Haizao cake.



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