福建泉州美食,醋肉面线糊,本地咖喱牛排,阿星蟳埔村吃海鲜Traditional foods in Quanzhou, Fujian / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

福建泉州美食,醋肉面线糊,本地咖喱牛排,阿星蟳埔村吃海鲜Traditional foods in Quanzhou, Fujian / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:福建泉州美食,醋肉面线糊,本地咖喱牛排,阿星蟳埔村吃海鲜Traditional foods in Quanzhou, Fujian

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2024-03-17 15:49:01


There are many delicacies in southern Fujian. Quanzhou, Fujian is not only the birthplace of Mianxianhu, but also the starting point of the ancient Maritime Silk Road. There are two towers in the east and west, and a street in the north and south. The strong worship culture is integrated into the ancient city. Because of its unique geographical location and cultural customs, it has produced the delicacy of curry steak, countless special snacks, fresh and sweet red crabs, and the fisherwoman of Xunpu wearing a hairpin flower.



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