タイトル:贵州荔波美食街,香辣豆花烤鱼,夜市牛肉小串,阿星喝鲜杨梅汤Grilled fish with tofu pudding in Libo, Guizhou
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-11-24 11:28:09
The night in Libo, Guizhou belongs to the old gourmet street. The colorful night market focuses on grilled fish with tofu pudding and barbecue skewers. Fresh fish and leeks are put on the bottom, fried first, then put tofu pudding, with spicy red oil sauce, and slowly stewed in an iron plate, the combination of fish and tofu pudding is full of aroma. Small skewers of grilled vegetables and meat filled with chili, small tofu grilled in a brazier, and Axing drank fresh bayberry soup.
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