四川彭州葛仙山,河边自助烧烤,60元不限量,川味麻辣牛肉耗儿鱼Riverside BBQ in Pengzhou, Sichuan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

四川彭州葛仙山,河边自助烧烤,60元不限量,川味麻辣牛肉耗儿鱼Riverside BBQ in Pengzhou, Sichuan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:四川彭州葛仙山,河边自助烧烤,60元不限量,川味麻辣牛肉耗儿鱼Riverside BBQ in Pengzhou, Sichuan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-06-23 11:00:14


In the hot summer, Gexian Mountain in Pengzhou, Sichuan is a good place to enjoy the cool air. You can play in the cool river and have a barbecue by the river. Unlimited self-service barbecue, fresh vegetables and meat, spicy beef, Tuotuo meat, and fish are delicious, all of which are the characteristics of Sichuan-style barbecue. Axing came here to cool off and eat delicious food.



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