广东普宁美食夜市,浇汁牛肉粉签,加料海鲜肠粉,阿星吃西胪莲藕汤Night Market Food in Puning, Guangdong / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

广东普宁美食夜市,浇汁牛肉粉签,加料海鲜肠粉,阿星吃西胪莲藕汤Night Market Food in Puning, Guangdong / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:广东普宁美食夜市,浇汁牛肉粉签,加料海鲜肠粉,阿星吃西胪莲藕汤Night Market Food in Puning, Guangdong

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-10-17 11:00:13


At night in Puning, Guangdong, the temperature is getting cooler, and everyone flocks to the street to taste the food night market. There are three old restaurants on the corner of Xinguang South Road, known as the Golden Triangle of Food, which are all food stalls full of fireworks. The stir-fried beef Fenqian is topped with rich sauce, the bitter gourd, ribs and abalone soup that relieves the heat, and the braised beef offal is very tempting. Puning-style rice roll, luxurious additions and marinade, every spoonful is a treat. The sweet Xilu lotus root soup and pork bones with garlic oil are a combination. The small street corner is the epitome of Chaoshan cuisine.



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