新疆吐鲁番大盘斗鸡,焖饼泡鸡汤,满盆线椒,阿星逛坎儿井葡萄沟Traditional food platter of fighting cock in Tulufan, Xinjiang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

新疆吐鲁番大盘斗鸡,焖饼泡鸡汤,满盆线椒,阿星逛坎儿井葡萄沟Traditional food platter of fighting cock in Tulufan, Xinjiang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:新疆吐鲁番大盘斗鸡,焖饼泡鸡汤,满盆线椒,阿星逛坎儿井葡萄沟Traditional food platter of fighting cock in Tulufan, Xinjiang

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-05-15 11:30:06


Xinjiang Tulufan is a magical oasis in the desert. This is due to the Kaner well, one of the three great projects in ancient China, which led the melting ice and snow on the Tianshan Mountains to irrigate the grape fields and produce sweet melons and fruits. Axing came to the famous Grape Valley and tasted a large plate of special food fighting cock. Half a fighting cock made a large plate, adding a lot of chili peppers, the chicken was spicy and tendon, and the soft pancake absorbed the delicious chicken soup, which is one of the four major delicacies in Tulufan.



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