タイトル:重庆江湖菜,璧山兔青椒凉拌,来凤鱼麻辣鲜香,40年老店传统味道Bishan Rabbit and Laifeng Fish from Jianghu Cuisine in Chongqing
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2023-04-29 12:30:05
Jianghu cuisine in Chongqing pays attention to five ruthlessness, heavy oil, heavy salt, heavy numbness, heavy spicy, heavy monosodium glutamate, assisted by high heat, and served in a large pot. There must be a feeling that the dishes are full to overflowing. The bright and strong dishes give people a visual sense on the impact. Bishan is most famous for its Bishan rabbit and Laifeng fish. The entire old street is full of restaurants serving these two delicacies. The 40-year-old restaurant has its own unique taste, the delicious Jianghu cuisine is just like the hot personality of the people here.
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