潮汕名菜炭烧响螺,顶级食材简单做,30年老菜脯粥,阿星吃护国菜Famous dish charcoal-boiled snail in Chaoshan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

潮汕名菜炭烧响螺,顶级食材简单做,30年老菜脯粥,阿星吃护国菜Famous dish charcoal-boiled snail in Chaoshan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:潮汕名菜炭烧响螺,顶级食材简单做,30年老菜脯粥,阿星吃护国菜Famous dish charcoal-boiled snail in Chaoshan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-12-06 11:15:44


Chaoshan cuisine is an important branch of Cantonese cuisine. The Chaoshan area is surrounded by mountains and seas and has rich products. Therefore, Chaoshan cuisine can choose from a variety of ingredients. Axing came to Jieyang in search of delicious food. Famous dish charcoal-boiled snail, the top ingredients are simple and ancient cooking methods. It is a very famous dish. There are also golden garlic baked Didu crab, geoduck sashimi platter, Huguo cuisine, 30-year-old pickle porridge, each dish can feel the exquisiteness of Chaozhou cuisine and the pursuit of the original taste of the ingredients.



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