タイトル:广东揭阳棉湖镇小吃,糯米饭饺面汤,芋泥冰配炸串,阿星吃无米粿Chaoshan Snacks in Mianhu Town, Guangdong
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-10-13 12:46:27
Mianhu Town in Jieyang, Guangdong is a gourmet town in Chaoshan area. Not only are the people here very enthusiastic, the local culture is well-spoken, and the snacks are delicious. The fragrant sticky rice, the refreshing dumpling noodle soup, the fried golden and crispy no rice Guo, and the taro ice with sour plum juice, all are local specialties, making people linger on here.
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