川菜能有多辣,自贡爆辣仔姜牛肉,路边3口锅做夜宵,阿星逛灯节Street Food Spicy Sichuan Cuisine in Zigong / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

川菜能有多辣,自贡爆辣仔姜牛肉,路边3口锅做夜宵,阿星逛灯节Street Food Spicy Sichuan Cuisine in Zigong / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:川菜能有多辣,自贡爆辣仔姜牛肉,路边3口锅做夜宵,阿星逛灯节Street Food Spicy Sichuan Cuisine in Zigong

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-07-30 11:00:02


Sichuan cuisine has always given people the impression that it is fragrant and spicy, but how spicy can the most spicy Sichuan cuisine be? The hottest Sichuan cuisine belongs to the Zigong series of Zigong Yanbang dishes. A layer of Xiaomi chili, a layer of Erjingtiao chili, and a layer of ginger, stir-fried quickly with low heat and simmered slowly, is an absolute heavy-taste dish. The uncle cooks midnight snacks along the street. Three big pots of fried dishes on the roadside, Zijiang beef and Zijiang frog are all the most popular dishes. Axing not only tasted the hot and spicy Sichuan cuisine, but also visited the Lantern Festival, which has a thousand-year tradition.



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