广东汕头小公园美食,老街干面粿汁,老妈宫粽球,阿星吃炒糕粿Street snacks in the Small Park, Shantou / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

广东汕头小公园美食,老街干面粿汁,老妈宫粽球,阿星吃炒糕粿Street snacks in the Small Park, Shantou / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:广东汕头小公园美食,老街干面粿汁,老妈宫粽球,阿星吃炒糕粿Street snacks in the Small Park, Shantou

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-12-13 11:15:00


When you come to Shantou, Guangdong, you must come to the Small Park. This has witnessed Shantou’s century-old business as a port. The old neighborhood centered on Zhongshan Pavilion has many authentic delicacies, which are the memories of many old Shantou people. Sauce dry noodle with fish ball soup, Laoma palace Zongzi, fried Gaoguo dipped in sugar, Laoxianghuang tea, braised pork with Guozhi, Axing came here to taste the delicious snacks on the Chaoshan street.



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