广西边境小城东兴,阿星吃越南菜,薄荷鸡粉法棍,冰镇滴漏咖啡Vietnamese cuisine in Dongxing / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

广西边境小城东兴,阿星吃越南菜,薄荷鸡粉法棍,冰镇滴漏咖啡Vietnamese cuisine in Dongxing / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:广西边境小城东兴,阿星吃越南菜,薄荷鸡粉法棍,冰镇滴漏咖啡Vietnamese cuisine in Dongxing

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-07-15 11:00:08


Dongxing, Guangxi is a small border town. The Daqing National Boundary Monument along the Beilun River has been standing on the border between China and Vietnam for a century. On this side of the river is Dongxing Port and the opposite is Mang Cai, Vietnam. There are many delicious Vietnamese restaurants in Dongxing, and the comprehensive Vietnamese dishes made are also very attractive, such as mint chicken noodle, baguette, Jialou pie, hand cake, lemongrass fried chicken, and drip coffee.



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