云南牛角寨赶集,乡野市场烧烤,现买食材炭火烤肉,茄子辣酱拌饭Wild BBQ in Niujiaozhai Market, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

云南牛角寨赶集,乡野市场烧烤,现买食材炭火烤肉,茄子辣酱拌饭Wild BBQ in Niujiaozhai Market, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:云南牛角寨赶集,乡野市场烧烤,现买食材炭火烤肉,茄子辣酱拌饭Wild BBQ in Niujiaozhai Market, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2023-07-01 14:13:43


Niujiao Village in Yuanyang, Yunnan Province is hidden in the depths of the mountains, and the numerous mountains and winding roads have not affected the excitement here. Every street day, people from all directions come to the market in an endless stream. The local women are dressed in colorful national costumes, as if they are holding a grand event. There is also wild barbecue in the market, freshly bought and baked pork belly, rough cooking methods, one-to-one ingredients and seasonings, which is the local taste of Yunnan.



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