タイトル:泰国曼谷周末集市,加都加市场美食,阿星吃咖喱炒蟹,盐衣烤鱼Street snacks at Jatujak Weekend Market, Bangkok, Thailand
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2023-12-15 16:05:00
The Jatujak Weekend Market in Bangkok, Thailand, is particularly lively every Saturday and Sunday. It is said to be one of the largest weekend markets in the world. When you come here, you will be surprised by its scale and dazzling products. Walking through the maze-like market in the high temperature, you can easily suffer from the Jatujak mania syndrome, but nothing can stop you from continuing to explore, especially tasting the delicious food, ice drinks and plenty of snacks.
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