海南潭门渔港,100元海鲜火锅,白水味道鲜,阿星吃鸡屎藤清补凉Seafood hot pot in Tanmen Fishing Port / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

海南潭门渔港,100元海鲜火锅,白水味道鲜,阿星吃鸡屎藤清补凉Seafood hot pot in Tanmen Fishing Port / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:海南潭门渔港,100元海鲜火锅,白水味道鲜,阿星吃鸡屎藤清补凉Seafood hot pot in Tanmen Fishing Port

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-03-17 11:00:03


The Tanmen Fishing Port in Qionghai, Hainan has a history of thousands of years. As early as the Song Dynasty, it was recorded that fishermen here went to the South China Sea to fish. They enshrined one hundred and eight brothers and prayed for a safe and full return. The most distinctive way to eat Tanmen seafood is the seafood pot. The hot pot soup base is made with clear water. Fresh fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish are rinsed with Hainan special ingredients. Not only is there no fishy smell, but the original seafood is delicious. Only 100RMB you can eat a large plate. Axing also tasted Qionghai’s characteristic desserts, such as Qingbuliang and Jishiteng coconut milk, coconut jelly, and mango rice rolls, all of which were delicious.



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