广东湛江海鲜市场,码头海鲜现买现做,阿星吃蒜蓉对虾,香辣蛏子Seafood market in Xiashan, Zhanjiang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

广东湛江海鲜市场,码头海鲜现买现做,阿星吃蒜蓉对虾,香辣蛏子Seafood market in Xiashan, Zhanjiang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:广东湛江海鲜市场,码头海鲜现买现做,阿星吃蒜蓉对虾,香辣蛏子Seafood market in Xiashan, Zhanjiang

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-04-16 11:30:19


When you come to the seafood capital of China, how can you not have a delicious seafood meal? The Xiashan Seafood Market in Zhanjiang, Guangdong is close to the fishing port and has a wide variety of high-quality seafood to choose from, especially the large prawns specializing in Zhanjiang. Axing goes to the seafood market, buys and cooks freshly made in coastal restaurant, prawns with minced garlic, scallion-flavored crab, steamed pomfret, spicy fried razor clams, and eat seafood while blowing the sea breeze.



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