西双版纳集贸市场,云南小吃汇聚,阿星吃大锤牛干巴,糯米饭舂鸡脚Street Foods in Xishuangbanna Market,Yunnan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

西双版纳集贸市场,云南小吃汇聚,阿星吃大锤牛干巴,糯米饭舂鸡脚Street Foods in Xishuangbanna Market,Yunnan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


タイトル:西双版纳集贸市场,云南小吃汇聚,阿星吃大锤牛干巴,糯米饭舂鸡脚Street Foods in Xishuangbanna Market,Yunnan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2020-11-07 11:00:05


Xishuangbanna Market in Jinghong City, Yunnan, has many strange local products, fruits, and agricultural and sideline products. It is dazzling to visit here, and there are also many local street snacks. The glutinous rice made of purple rice and white glutinous rice, Baoshao made of banana leaves, and various hot and sour dishes, is a Dai-style breakfast. The beef is cut into pieces and air-dried. The dried beef is grilled on charcoal, sprinkled with seasoning, and then smashed into shredded beef with a sledgehammer. There are also special cold Chong Chicken Feet, and a variety of vegetable seasonings are added to the container, which is delicious. Axing suggested that this place can be used as the last stop of the trip. There are many choices for a wide range of goods.



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