重庆万州小火锅,牛肉肥肠一锅炖,食客坐满街,阿星吃萝卜丝油钱Small hot pot in Wanzhou Night Market,Chongqing / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

重庆万州小火锅,牛肉肥肠一锅炖,食客坐满街,阿星吃萝卜丝油钱Small hot pot in Wanzhou Night Market,Chongqing / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


タイトル:重庆万州小火锅,牛肉肥肠一锅炖,食客坐满街,阿星吃萝卜丝油钱Small hot pot in Wanzhou Night Market,Chongqing

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2020-12-13 11:00:05


People’s inherent impression of Chongqing hot pot is boiling hot red soup, or big Jiugongge iron pot, but Chongqing not only has spicy butter old hot pot, but also Wanzhou small hot pot. Small hot pot is a memory of the generations born in the 80s and 90s in Wanzhou. It was once all the rage and then disappeared. In recent years, it has reappeared in the gourmet world. Put a cup of water on the small aluminum pot, you can cook beef, fat intestine, balls, and various vegetarian dishes, it is more like a braised dish. The price is low and the taste is good. It can be eaten regardless of the number of people and the crowd. In winter, the streets are full of diners, and the steam is very lively. Axing also ate the special snack Luobosi Youqian.



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