タイトル:广西北海籺仔街早市,越南蟹仔粉,鸡蛋卷粉,阿星吃侨港镇小吃Street foods in Beihai, Guangxi
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2021-06-23 11:00:12
The Qiaogang Town in Beihai, Guangxi was set up for the resettlement of Vietnamese returned overseas Chinese in the late 1970s. It was once praised by UNHCR officials as a shining example of refugee resettlement in the world. The returnees of the Aizai Street used their culinary skills to make a living and break into a world. There are not only traditional Beihai snack Ai, sea duck egg and barbecued pork buns, but also Vietnamese-style delicacies, crab noodle and roll noodle. The small street morning market is very lively.
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