内蒙古铁锅焖面,排骨土豆面条,大铁锅现做,阿星吃东北大拉皮Nei Mongolian Snack Iron Pot Stewed Noodle in China / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

内蒙古铁锅焖面,排骨土豆面条,大铁锅现做,阿星吃东北大拉皮Nei Mongolian Snack Iron Pot Stewed Noodle in China / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


タイトル:内蒙古铁锅焖面,排骨土豆面条,大铁锅现做,阿星吃东北大拉皮Nei Mongolian Snack Iron Pot Stewed Noodle in China

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2020-10-06 17:39:41


Nei Mongolia is a long and narrow area, and the food culture here is deeply influenced by the surrounding provinces. The eastern accent is similar to that of the three provinces of Northeast China, with authentic Northeastern cuisine. The central part is influenced by Shanxi, Shaanxi, with a heavier nasal voice and likes to eat noodle. The iron pot stewed noodles here is a combination of pasta and iron pot stwe series, pork ribs, beans, potatoes and noodle, put in the soup, freshly made in a large iron pot, the noodle is rich in chewy sauce. Axing also ate the smooth northeast Dalapi.



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