云南顺江烧肉米线,火盆现烤五花肉,腾冲小镇老店,大碗肉多料满Roasted pork rice noodle in Shunjiang, Yunnan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

云南顺江烧肉米线,火盆现烤五花肉,腾冲小镇老店,大碗肉多料满Roasted pork rice noodle in Shunjiang, Yunnan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:云南顺江烧肉米线,火盆现烤五花肉,腾冲小镇老店,大碗肉多料满Roasted pork rice noodle in Shunjiang, Yunnan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-03-03 12:55:29


When it comes to Yunnan rice noodle, you will think of the famous bridge-crossing rice noodle, small pot rice noodle, but the most popular in Tengchong is the roasted pork rice noodle. Many roasted pork rice noodle are under the banner of Shunjiang, and Xing came to Shunjiang to taste this delicious bowl of rice noodle. Pine wood-fired pork belly, rough cooking method, rich ingredients, there are more than a dozen kinds of condiments in bottles and jars, smooth red rice noodle is poured with pork ribs soup, Axing ate two bowls.



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