四川渠县美食,三汇锅盔夹凉粉,麻辣水八块,阿星吃临巴蒸菜Street snacks at the ancient wharf in Qu County, Sichuan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

四川渠县美食,三汇锅盔夹凉粉,麻辣水八块,阿星吃临巴蒸菜Street snacks at the ancient wharf in Qu County, Sichuan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:四川渠县美食,三汇锅盔夹凉粉,麻辣水八块,阿星吃临巴蒸菜Street snacks at the ancient wharf in Qu County, Sichuan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2023-11-11 15:05:38


Sanhui Ancient Town in Qu County, Sichuan Province, is named after the intersection of three rivers. It has been a water dock since ancient times. There are many long-standing traditional snacks in the town, such as glutinous rice balls, fried dumplings, pot helmets with jelly, and water eight pieces. All are delicacies that Sichuan people have grown up eating. Linba Town, not far away, is famous for its steamed dishes. Although the restaurant is small, the dishes are very tempting. Steamed dishes are also a major feature of Sichuan cuisine. The meat and vegetables are steamed just right, with spicy, salty, and sweet flavors.



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