タイトル:广东台山广海海鲜,胡椒水浸生蚝,清蒸满膏蟹,阿星吃大红斑节虾Seafood delicacies in Taishan, Guangdong
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2023-02-02 11:12:00
When you come to Taishan, Guangdong, you must eat seafood. The most famous one is Taishan oysters. Because the salty and fresh water meet, it is very suitable for the growth of oysters. The oyster meat is plump and refreshing. The local famous dish is oysters soaked in pepper. There are also local blue crabs with cream and red spotted prawns, which taste very sweet. You can cook on the spot if you choose it in the seafood market, and the bacon claypot rice in the restaurant next to the pier is a surprise.
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