タイトル:湖北襄阳美食,早上黄酒牛肉面,晚上牛杂火锅,阿星吃南漳干炒鸡Traditional beef noodles and delicacies in Xiangyang, Hubei
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2023-09-24 11:00:08
Xiangyang in Hubei Province has a strong presence in history. It is a beautiful scenery in Tang poetry and a battleground for ancient chivalry. There are endless elements of the Three Kingdoms here and endless delicacies to taste. In the morning, there is a bowl of Xiangyang beef noodles poured with red oil, paired with a bowl of rich rice wine. In the evening, there is a pot of fragrant beef offal on the street, and there are also authentic local dishes on the street that are not to be missed. The stir-fried chicken in the old factory area of Nanzhang must be stir-fried until crispy, and the lard cake must be freshly baked. It is delicious here.
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