タイトル:吉林通化美食,牛肉丝抻面,煎粉鸡蛋饼,阿星吃鸡汤豆腐串Street foods in Tonghua, Jilin
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-01-01 11:15:01
Tonghua in Jilin is a small border town surrounded by snow and ice in winter. In addition to the well-known pharmaceutical companies, there are also time-honored gourmet restaurants. Axing is looking for delicious food in the small town on a snowy day. The famous Chen noodle at the foot of Yuhuang Mountain, the noodle with the savoury and fresh soup base, the beef and free chili pickles to eat a bowl, it is warm. Many locals remember the old Jianfen restaurant from their childhood. The Jianfen, chicken soup tofu skewer, pancake, sausage, these four kinds of snacks are still the original taste.
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