云南蒙自过桥米线,128元一碗,菊花鲜汤,阿星逛碧色寨滇越铁路Traditional snack the crossing bridge rice noodle in Mengzi, Yunnan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

云南蒙自过桥米线,128元一碗,菊花鲜汤,阿星逛碧色寨滇越铁路Traditional snack the crossing bridge rice noodle in Mengzi, Yunnan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:云南蒙自过桥米线,128元一碗,菊花鲜汤,阿星逛碧色寨滇越铁路Traditional snack the crossing bridge rice noodle in Mengzi, Yunnan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2023-07-06 10:57:34


The crossing bridge rice noodle is a card of Yunnan cuisine. Its birthplace is South Lake in Mengzi, Honghe Prefecture. There is also a good story in ancient times. Locals will eat a bowl of rice noodle with the first pot of soup in the morning. The delicious and rich soup, rich side dishes, golden chrysanthemum petals, snow-white and chewy rice noodle, pour all into the boiling soup bowl. There is also a high-end version of 128 yuan a bowl, with a variety of ingredients to choose from. After eating the rice noodle, you can also visit the Bisezhai Yunnan-Vietnam Railway in Mengzi. The mottled station is still the same as before.



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