タイトル:满洲里俄式大肉串,48一串比胳膊长,奶酪包香甜,格瓦斯1度酒精Russian Meat Skewers in Nei Mongolia,China
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2020-10-03 11:24:52
Manzhouli in Hulunbuir, Nei Mongolia, is a small border city with bright lights at night. The food here not only has Han characteristics, Mongolian characteristics, but also Russian style. Axing tastes a popular Russian-style western restaurant. The large Russian-style meat skewers here are 1 meter long, grilled on the outside and tender on the inside, with colorful vegetable skewers, served with white bread. The freshly baked cheese bag is golden and sweet, and the whole restaurant is filled with the aroma of toast. There is also kvass called liquid bread, only 1 degree alcohol, it tastes fruity.
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