山西汾阳河捞面,石磨面粉压面,油泼辣子飘香,阿星品杏花村汾酒Snacks Helao Noodle and Xinghua Village Fen wine in Fenyang, Shanxi / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

山西汾阳河捞面,石磨面粉压面,油泼辣子飘香,阿星品杏花村汾酒Snacks Helao Noodle and Xinghua Village Fen wine in Fenyang, Shanxi / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:山西汾阳河捞面,石磨面粉压面,油泼辣子飘香,阿星品杏花村汾酒Snacks Helao Noodle and Xinghua Village Fen wine in Fenyang, Shanxi

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2023-06-03 12:48:19


In Xinghua Village, Fenyang, Shanxi, the statues of Du Mu and the shepherd boy can be seen everywhere, and Fen wine is the protagonist here. But as long as the lights of Fenjiu City are on at night, the Helao Noodle in the alley opposite the city gate will be the protagonist of the late-night canteen. The traditional stone-milled flour is used to press the white noodle, and the thick noodle are like stick noodle, topped with delicious spicy oil chili and old vinegar, order Shanxi stewed dishes and appetizers, and sit in the small courtyard and feel the beautiful night of Fenyang.



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