江苏扬州吃早茶,蟹黄汤包鲜美多汁,烫干丝爽口,阿星喝绿杨春茶Special snack morning tea in Yangzhou, Jiangsu / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

江苏扬州吃早茶,蟹黄汤包鲜美多汁,烫干丝爽口,阿星喝绿杨春茶Special snack morning tea in Yangzhou, Jiangsu / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:江苏扬州吃早茶,蟹黄汤包鲜美多汁,烫干丝爽口,阿星喝绿杨春茶Special snack morning tea in Yangzhou, Jiangsu

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2023-03-11 11:00:08


Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province is known as the gourmet capital of the world. It is true that you come here to eat gourmet food. March is a good time to go out and taste food. The first meal in Yangzhou is of course not without morning tea. Chashe of all sizes are scattered all over the streets and alleys. Choose a time-honored brand, get up early and go to taste it leisurely. The must-order Crab Roe Soup Bun, five diced bun, thousand layers of oil cake, blanching Gansi, With a cup of green tea to relieve greasy. Fill your stomach and visit the famous gardens. The spring of Yangzhou is hidden in these gardens.



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