南昌万寿宫小吃,阿星走街串巷吃美食,江西瓦罐汤,糊羹样样美味Wanshou Palace Street Foods in Nanchang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

南昌万寿宫小吃,阿星走街串巷吃美食,江西瓦罐汤,糊羹样样美味Wanshou Palace Street Foods in Nanchang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:南昌万寿宫小吃,阿星走街串巷吃美食,江西瓦罐汤,糊羹样样美味Wanshou Palace Street Foods in Nanchang

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-04-23 11:00:00


The Wanshou Palace in Nanchang, Jiangxi province is not only a temple fair, but many snacks in Nanchang are hidden in the blocks here. Axing walks the streets and alleys to eat snacks, stinky tofu with soy sauce, spicy braised lotus vegetables, and spicy Changjie, the auspicious Hugeng, deep-fried pancake, big pot Shuizhu, there is also a must-eat crock soup in Jiangxi, all of which are authentic Nanchang delicacies.



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