广西柳州洛满赶集,水油堆香甜,酸辣浇汁芋头糕,阿星吃小笼包Snacks at Luoman Market in Liuzhou / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

广西柳州洛满赶集,水油堆香甜,酸辣浇汁芋头糕,阿星吃小笼包Snacks at Luoman Market in Liuzhou / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:广西柳州洛满赶集,水油堆香甜,酸辣浇汁芋头糕,阿星吃小笼包Snacks at Luoman Market in Liuzhou

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2023-01-04 11:08:30


Luoman Town in Liuzhou, Guangxi, is very lively on market days. The market next to the Dragon’s Pool has everything you need, especially delicious local snacks. The most famous thing in Luoman Town is the water and oil dessert. The glutinous rice dumplings are fried in a pot mixed with oil and sugar, and they are golden and soft when they come out of the pot. The steamed taro cake is as dense as taro paste, but it is eaten with hot and sour sauce. There are also fresh meat small steamer bun and fresh boiled rice noodle.



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