广东廉江红树林,特产泥丁120一斤,煮粥鲜美,阿星吃脆皮小棠菜Farmhouse Cantonese cuisine in Lianjiang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

广东廉江红树林,特产泥丁120一斤,煮粥鲜美,阿星吃脆皮小棠菜Farmhouse Cantonese cuisine in Lianjiang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:广东廉江红树林,特产泥丁120一斤,煮粥鲜美,阿星吃脆皮小棠菜Farmhouse Cantonese cuisine in Lianjiang

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-04-21 11:30:08


The Gaoqiao Mangrove Forest in Lianjiang, Guangdong is currently the largest mangrove natural ecological reserve in China. The superior natural environment and suitable temperature make the products particularly rich. In particular, the Niding in the tidal flat is the main specialty here. Axing came to the local farm to taste farm dishes, Niding porridge, steamed Niding, and classic Cantonese cuisine Crispy Xiaotangcai.



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