贵州独山三酸,盐酸虾酸臭酸,闻着臭吃着香,阿星吃黔南特色美食Famous delicacy Dushansan three acids in Guizhou / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

贵州独山三酸,盐酸虾酸臭酸,闻着臭吃着香,阿星吃黔南特色美食Famous delicacy Dushansan three acids in Guizhou / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:贵州独山三酸,盐酸虾酸臭酸,闻着臭吃着香,阿星吃黔南特色美食Famous delicacy Dushansan three acids in Guizhou

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-11-16 11:33:46


When it comes to the top class in the sour food industry in Guizhou, Dushan three acids is proud of everything. Dushan is located in the Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in the south of Guizhou. Surrounded by mountains, the climate is humid. Local residents have naturally formed the eating habit of eating sour to remove dampness. Mustard greens, small river prawns, impatiens, hydrochloric acid, shrimp acid, and stinky acid made by a unique pickling sauce method have a very special smell. The more you eat, the more you like it.



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