广东梅州松口古镇美食,美味鱼散粉,清甜仙人粄,阿星吃企炉饼Food in Songkou Ancient Town, Meizhou / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

广东梅州松口古镇美食,美味鱼散粉,清甜仙人粄,阿星吃企炉饼Food in Songkou Ancient Town, Meizhou / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:广东梅州松口古镇美食,美味鱼散粉,清甜仙人粄,阿星吃企炉饼Food in Songkou Ancient Town, Meizhou

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-09-20 11:16:44


Songkou is located in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province. It is one of the four ancient towns in Lingnan. In the past, Hakka people started from here and sailed across the ocean to work hard all over the world. There is not only a strong cultural and historical atmosphere here, but also many special delicacies. Yusanfen, sweet mutton, Immortal Ban, fried meat balls, and Qilu cake at Huochuan Wharf are all authentic Hakka snacks.



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