上海百年本帮菜,浓油赤酱沪菜老味道,阿星吃草头圈子,虾籽乌参Traditional local dishes in Shanghai / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

上海百年本帮菜,浓油赤酱沪菜老味道,阿星吃草头圈子,虾籽乌参Traditional local dishes in Shanghai / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:上海百年本帮菜,浓油赤酱沪菜老味道,阿星吃草头圈子,虾籽乌参Traditional local dishes in Shanghai

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-04-26 11:00:03


As a city of immigrants in history, Shanghai has gathered all kinds of cuisines and delicacies, and formed a unique Shanghai cuisine through continuous learning and integration. Shanghai cuisine is also called Hu cuisine, and Shanghai people call it the local cuisine. It is characterized by thick oily red sauce and sweet waxy mellow. The knife craftsmanship is more complicated and the cooking time is longer. For hundreds of years, both social celebrities and ordinary people have liked it in the local area. Axing tasted the signature dishes of the century-old Shanghai cuisine restaurant, Babao duck, Xiazi Wushen, Caotou Quanzi, Zaobodou, Kousansi, and experience the delicious Shanghai cuisine history.



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