タイトル:贵州安顺老卤麻辣烫,换人不换锅,筷子不能戳,阿星吃香辣干鸡面Old Braised Malatang in Anshun, Guizhou
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-08-11 11:30:06
In Guizhou, a major province of hot pot, Anshun’s Old Braised Malatang is unique and has dominated the hot pot industry for many years with its magical form. This kind of malatang does not change the pot, and the chopsticks cannot be poked into the pot. The soup of the pot is eaten after one table and the next table. The large pieces of meat skewers and special dipping sauces are delicious. Axing also tasted the spicy dry chicken noodle, the alkaline noodles with eggs are crunchy, and the air-dried chicken is salty and chewy.
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