タイトル:东北延吉大冷面,牛肉汤加冰碴子,锅包肉香酥,阿星吃延边美食Traditional Snack Cold Noodle in Yanji,China
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2020-08-26 11:00:01
What should Axing eat in the hot summer in Northeast China? Of course it is a bowl of cold noodle with ice. In Yanji City, Jilin Province, there are many cold noodle restaurants. Cold noodle can be said to represent Yanbian’s daily diet and are the most recommended snack. Add buckwheat noodle, egg, watermelon, beef and other ingredients in a large stainless steel bowl, pour in ice beef soup, sweet and sour taste. There is also Guobao meat, fried golden and crispy, and it is a perfect match with cold noodle.
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