四川彭镇百年茶馆,老房竹椅盖碗茶,阿星吃川菜回锅肉,鱼香茄饼A century-old teahouse in Pengzhen, Sichuan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

四川彭镇百年茶馆,老房竹椅盖碗茶,阿星吃川菜回锅肉,鱼香茄饼A century-old teahouse in Pengzhen, Sichuan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:四川彭镇百年茶馆,老房竹椅盖碗茶,阿星吃川菜回锅肉,鱼香茄饼A century-old teahouse in Pengzhen, Sichuan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-07-07 11:32:30


Peng Town in Sichuan got its name from the fact that there were many people in the town surnamed Peng. It has been a distribution center for water transportation since ancient times. There are many old houses and teahouses here. The elderly local people like to drink tea in the teahouse. Behind the teahouse is an authentic old Sichuan restaurant, which is full of customers at lunchtime. Axing tasted authentic Sichuan dishes, Huiguo pork, Yuxiang eggplant cake, fried shredded pork with green chili, fried bamboo shoots with pickled chili, and the popular fried egg soup, feeling the leisure and busyness of Sichuan.



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