会跳舞的牛肉,海南定安牛肉加工一条街,煎烤涮炸,阿星吃菜包饭Street food dancing beef in Ding’an / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

会跳舞的牛肉,海南定安牛肉加工一条街,煎烤涮炸,阿星吃菜包饭Street food dancing beef in Ding’an / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:会跳舞的牛肉,海南定安牛肉加工一条街,煎烤涮炸,阿星吃菜包饭Street food dancing beef in Ding’an

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-09-11 17:48:51


Ding’an beef in Hainan can still be eaten like this, and the dancing beef has attracted many people. The Xiangou beef processing street is very close to the slaughterhouse. The beef sold is very fresh and even beating. You can buy beef and go to the processing restaurant next to it. It is delicious when fried, roasted and fried. Fresh beef can taste the tenderness of fish. feel. Axing also ate the Ding’an special dish wrapped rice, which became more delicious as he chewed.



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