广东揭阳夜宵大排档,打冷生腌海鲜,白粥配杂咸,阿星吃炒西洋菜Night supper food stalls in Jieyang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

广东揭阳夜宵大排档,打冷生腌海鲜,白粥配杂咸,阿星吃炒西洋菜Night supper food stalls in Jieyang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:广东揭阳夜宵大排档,打冷生腌海鲜,白粥配杂咸,阿星吃炒西洋菜Night supper food stalls in Jieyang

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-12-10 11:15:01


The night food in Chaoshan is inseparable from the food stalls. The brightly lit stalls spread out all kinds of ingredients, including Shengyan, Yufan, Zaxian, stir-fried vegetables, and braised flavor. But no matter how delicious the dish, you have to eat a bowl of white porridge. This is Chaoshan Daleng. At night in Jieyang, Guangdong, Axing sat on the street tasting food and eating unforgettable Shengyan seafood.



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