タイトル:四川彭州九尺镇,烟熏板鸭一条街,麻辣鹅肠火锅,阿星吃小镇美食Sichuan Food in Pengzhou Town
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-06-13 11:00:09
Jiuchi Town in Pengzhou, Sichuan can be said to be a food town. Sichuan flavors are vividly interpreted here. The most famous ones are Jiuchi flat duck and Jiuchi goose Intestine hotpot. The whole street is full of smoked flat duck shops, not only retail but also wholesale. The spicy goose intestines hotpot is even more tempting, and eating fresh goose intestine as noodle is also a unique food experience.
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