タイトル:新疆特克斯八卦城,皮带面椒麻鸡,羊排揪片子,阿星吃乾街美食Special Foods in Bagua City, Xinjiang
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-06-05 11:45:00
Bagua City in Tekesi , Xinjiang not only has a Bagua-shaped urban structure, but the most famous food street here is two delicacies, Jiaoma chicken and lamb chops Jiupianzi. The spicy Jiaoma chicken can be eaten both hot and cold. You can also add belt noodle to the soup. Both the chicken and the noodle are delicious. The fresh lamb chops are simmered in the broth on a low fire, and the thin and glutinous noodle is made into lamb chops. A full pot is very suitable for Axing’s appetite.
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