开封百年豫菜套四宝,四代传承官府菜,阿星吃鲤鱼焙面,扒广肚Traditional famous dishes of Kaifeng, Henan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

开封百年豫菜套四宝,四代传承官府菜,阿星吃鲤鱼焙面,扒广肚Traditional famous dishes of Kaifeng, Henan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:开封百年豫菜套四宝,四代传承官府菜,阿星吃鲤鱼焙面,扒广肚Traditional famous dishes of Kaifeng, Henan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-11-01 11:15:00


Kaifeng, Henan is the birthplace of Henan cuisine. Among the various Kaifeng cuisines, the century-old Chen cuisine can be said to be the representative of the official cuisine faction. The four generations of the Chen family have intensively studied culinary skills. The masterpiece is the exquisite Taosibao, which is said to have been made for the birthday of Empress Dowager Cixi in the Qing Dynasty. Axing visited the master of Henan cuisine and tasted the famous Liyu Beimian and Pa Guangdu.



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