タイトル:新疆伊犁琼库什台,草原大山古村落,阿星吃哈萨克族美食羊肉焖面Kazakh mutton stewed noodle in Yili, Xinjiang
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-05-29 11:30:21
Qiongkushitai, Yili, Xinjiang is an ancient village deep in the grassland. Although the journey is long, the beautiful scenery has attracted countless people. There are mainly Kazakhs living here, and they live by herding. The grasslands, hills, rivers and forests are their homes. Axing came here to taste the special gourmet mutton stewed noodle, large pieces of mutton and tendon noodle, salty milk tea.
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