哈尔滨柴火铁锅炖,冰天雪地坐炕头,阿星烀饼子,吃东北大拌菜Northeast wood-fired iron pot stew in Harbin / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

哈尔滨柴火铁锅炖,冰天雪地坐炕头,阿星烀饼子,吃东北大拌菜Northeast wood-fired iron pot stew in Harbin / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:哈尔滨柴火铁锅炖,冰天雪地坐炕头,阿星烀饼子,吃东北大拌菜Northeast wood-fired iron pot stew in Harbin

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-01-09 10:42:27


With a temperature of minus 20 degrees Celsius, Harbin is in a world of snow and ice sculptures. The colorful lights and crystal clear ice sculptures are like a fairy tale world. Harbin has not only snow scenes, but also hot wood-fired iron pot stew, Axing sits on the hot Kang, eats pork ribs stewed chicken hands, golden cornmeal pancakes, and Northeast specialties Dalapi. It’s warm and comfortable, and there are jokes about the Northeast people who are naturally humorous.



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