浙江慈溪面食三绝,生牛肉鲜虾仁拌面,带馅大馒头,咸香酱肉包Three musts of pasta in Cixi, Zhejiang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

浙江慈溪面食三绝,生牛肉鲜虾仁拌面,带馅大馒头,咸香酱肉包Three musts of pasta in Cixi, Zhejiang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:浙江慈溪面食三绝,生牛肉鲜虾仁拌面,带馅大馒头,咸香酱肉包Three musts of pasta in Cixi, Zhejiang

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-04-03 11:00:03


The inherent impression of the Chinese dietary structure is that of southern rice and northern noodle, but when you come to Zhejiang, you will find that there are many pasta snacks that are very popular with local people, and they are also integrated into the daily diet of three meals. Axing came to Cixi, Ningbo, to taste the three unique pasta here, noodle with raw beef and fresh shrimp, yellow croaker noodle, steamed buns with stuffing, and meat buns with salty and fragrant sauce. The pasta here are both delicious and distinctive.



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