浙江慈溪坎墩老街,儿时小吃味道,生煎包酱年糕,阿星吃羊骨头粥Kandun old street snacks in Cixi, Zhejiang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

浙江慈溪坎墩老街,儿时小吃味道,生煎包酱年糕,阿星吃羊骨头粥Kandun old street snacks in Cixi, Zhejiang / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:浙江慈溪坎墩老街,儿时小吃味道,生煎包酱年糕,阿星吃羊骨头粥Kandun old street snacks in Cixi, Zhejiang

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-03-28 11:15:00


Cixi in Ningbo is a famous and fertile town in Zhejiang, home of electrical appliances, and one of the top 100 counties in China’s economy. With the opening of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, the traffic and development here have undergone new changes. Axing came to Kandun old street in Cixi, looking for old-fashioned delicacies, such as fried buns, rice cakes with sauce, Songhua glutinous rice balls, mutton bone porridge, and all kinds of snacks are the tastes of local people when they were young.



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