タイトル:云南腾冲佤族美食,大串烤牛肉,农家腊肉小鱼,阿星逛司莫拉中寨Wa cuisine in Tengchong, Yunnan
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-03-24 11:15:00
The Wa people are a minority distributed in Myanmar and western Yunnan. They have their own unique national culture and traditions. Axing came to the Simola Zhong Village in Tengchong to explore the mysterious and beautiful Wa village and taste the local specialties. The self-service charcoal grilled large skewers of beef, fried small river fish, fried rapeseed, and farm bacon are all delicious home-cooked dishes based on local materials.
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